All Classes and Interfaces

A base class for JUnit5 extensions that allows implementations to control whether the callbacks are run around the entire class, like BeforeAll or AfterAll, or around each test method, like BeforeEach or AfterEach.
Builds a CentralDogma client.
A skeletal implementation of CacheableCall.
A skeletal CentralDogma implementation.
Builds a CentralDogma client.
Helps to implement a concrete CommandExecutor.
An abstract PluginConfig implementation.
A Command which is used for pushing changes to the repository.
Builds a CentralDogma client based on an Armeria HTTP client.
Configures the underlying Armeria client of CentralDogma.
An authentication configuration for the Central Dogma server.
A RuntimeException raised while performing authentication.
An author of a Commit.
A CentralDogmaException that is raised when a client failed to authenticate or attempted to perform an unauthorized operation.
An interface which configures the authentication layer for the Central Dogma server.
A factory to create an AuthProvider instance.
Parameters which are used to create a new AuthProvider instance.
A cacheable call which is used to retrieve a value.
Central Dogma client.
Central Dogma server.
Annotates a type to provide the necessary information to CentralDogmaBeanFactory so that the bean properties are mirrored from a file in Central Dogma.
Provides the necessary information to CentralDogmaBeanFactory so that the bean properties are mirrored from a file in Central Dogma.
Creates a new bean instance that mirrors its properties from Central Dogma.
Builds a CentralDogma server.
Spring bean configuration for CentralDogma client.
A configurator to configure the ClientFactory which is used to build the Armeria Central Dogma client.
CentralDogma server configuration.
A DynamicEndpointGroup implementation that retrieves the Endpoint list from an entry in Central Dogma.
Builds a CentralDogmaEndpointGroup that retrieves the list of Endpoints from an entry in Central Dogma.
A RuntimeException that is raised when failed to access Central Dogma.
A JUnit Extension that starts an embedded Central Dogma server.
Prepares to send requests to the Central Dogma repository.
A JUnit Rule that starts an embedded Central Dogma server.
Settings for a Central Dogma client.
A modification of an individual Entry.
A CentralDogmaException that is raised when attempted to push a commit which cannot be applied without a conflict.
An IllegalArgumentException that is raised when building a Change or an Entry failed due to invalid data format.
The type of a Change.
A Central Dogma command which is used to mutate projects and repositories.
An executor interface which executes Commands.
Manages the status of a CommandExecutor.
Types of a Command.
A set of Changes and its metadata.
Prepares to send a CentralDogma.push(String, String, Revision, String, String, Markup, Iterable) request to the Central Dogma repository.
Result of a NormalizingPushCommand commit.
A converter that converts a value of certain configuration properties in CentralDogmaConfig.
A holder which has the content and its EntryType.
A Function which is used for transforming the content at the specified path of the repository.
CORS configuration.
A request to create a new Credential.
A Command which is used for creating a new project.
A Command which is used for creating a new repository.
A Command which is used for creating a new session.
A credential used to access external resources such as Git repositories or the Kubernetes control plane.
The type of Credential.
Prepares to send a CentralDogma.getDiff(String, String, Revision, Revision, PathPattern) request to the Central Dogma repository.
Prepares to send a CentralDogma.getDiff(String, String, Revision, Revision, Query) request to the Central Dogma repository.
The options for diffing a repository.
Configures the DNS resolution of the Armeria client of CentralDogma.
Decodes the content of a file in Central Dogma into a list of Endpoints.
A file or a directory in a repository.
A CentralDogmaException that is raised when attempted to retrieve the content from a directory entry.
A CentralDogmaException that is raised when attempted to access a non-existent entry in a repository.
The type of an Entry.
Prepares to send a CentralDogma.getFile(String, String, Revision, Query) request to the Central Dogma repository.
An option which is specified when retrieving one or more files.
Useful FindOption maps.
A Command which is used to force-push delegate even the server is in read-only mode.
A CommandExecutor which forwards all its method calls to another CommandExecutor.
A MirrorException raised when failed to mirror a Git repository.
Graceful shutdown timeout.
An object which has a weight.
Prepares to send a CentralDogma.getHistory(String, String, Revision, Revision, PathPattern, int) request to the Central Dogma repository.
An interface which provides an identifier of an object.
Initializes the internal project and repositories.
A CentralDogmaException that is raised when a push is invalid.
An immutable holder of the latest known value and its Revision retrieved by a Watcher.
Use Credential instead.
Entry point of a standalone server.
A configuration for the ManagementService.
The markup language of a Commit message.
Specifies details of a member who belongs to the Project.
A CentralDogmaException that is raised when failed to find a Member.
A merged entry in a repository.
A merge query on files.
Prepares to send a CentralDogma.mergeFiles(String, String, Revision, MergeQuery) request to the Central Dogma repository.
A merge source that contains a path and isOptional which indicates whether the path is required or not.
A service class for metadata management.
A Revision-controlled filesystem-like repository which is named "meta".
Contains the properties for a mirroring task and performs the task.
A mirror access controller that can allow or disallow access to the remote repositories for mirroring.
A MirrorException raised when failed to access to the remote repository for mirroring.
A context of a mirror.
Specifies where the mirrored files come from and where they are to be mirrored.
A CentralDogmaException raised when failed to mirror a repository.
Performs mirroring of an external repository into a Central Dogma repository.
A mirroring service plugin configuration.
A listener which is notified when a Mirror operation is started, completed or failed.
Creates a new Mirror dynamically via Java SPI (Service Provider Interface).
The result of a mirroring operation.
URL schemes used by mirrors.
The status of a mirroring operation.
A task to mirror a repository.
A utility class for creating a mirroring task.
An annotation that signifies the return values, parameters and fields are non-nullable by default leveraging the JSR-305 Nonnull annotation.
A Command which is used for pushing changes to the repository.
A path pattern that represents a variant of glob.
Permission for accessing a repository.
A CentralDogmaException that is raised when a client does not have the required permission for an operation.
A default permission for a Repository.
An interface which defines callbacks for a plug-in.
A configuration of a plugin.
A StdDeserializer that deserializes a PluginConfig.
A class which is used to pass internally-created instances into the Plugin.
A context that is used to pass when calling AllReplicasPlugin.init(PluginInitContext).
Targets that a Plugin is applied to which replica.
Prepares to send a CentralDogma.getPreviewDiffs(String, String, Revision, Iterable) request to the Central Dogma repository.
A top-level element in Central Dogma storage model.
A CentralDogmaException that is raised when attempted to create a project with an existing project name.
A manager which manages Projects in the Central Dogma.
Specifies details of a Project.
A CentralDogmaException that is raised when attempted to access a non-existent project.
Roles of a user in a project.
Represents the roles assigned to project members and guests for a specific repository.
A Command which is used for purging a project that was removed before.
A Command which is used for purging a repository that was removed before.
A Command which is used replicate a NormalizingPushCommand to other replicas.
The result of a push operation.
A query on a file.
A CentralDogmaException that is raised when the evaluation of a Query has failed.
An IllegalArgumentException that is raised when the syntax validation of a Query has failed.
The type of a Query.
CentralDogma API quota configuration.
Deserializes a raw session instance from a base64-encoded string.
Serializes a raw session instance into a base64-encoded string.
A CentralDogmaException that is raised when attempted to modify data in read-only mode.
A CentralDogmaException that is raised when attempted to push a commit without effective changes.
A Command which is used for removing an existing project.
A Command which is used for removing an existing repository.
A Command which is used for removing an existing session.
Replication settings.
Replication method.
Revision-controlled filesystem-like repository.
A super class of the Commands which perform operations on a repository.
A CentralDogmaException that is raised when attempted to create a repository with an existing repository name.
An immutable holder of repository information.
A listener that gets notified whenever changes matching with RepositoryListener.pathPattern() are pushed to Repository.
Manages repositories which belong to a project.
Specifies details of a Repository.
A CentralDogmaException that is raised when attempted to access a non-existent repository.
Roles for a repository.
A revision number of a Commit.
Deserializes JSON into a Revision.
Serializes a Revision into JSON.
A CentralDogmaException that is raised when attempted to access a non-existent revision.
A class which contains Revisions of from and to.
Role metadata for a repository.
A super class of the Commands which perform operations without a project or a repository.
OpenSAML based AuthProvider implementation.
A factory for creating an OpenSAML based AuthProvider.
A variant of ActiveDirectoryRealm that binds first with the privileged credential to search for the DN of a user from a username before the actual authentication.
The status of the server.
Manages the server status.
An authenticated session which can be replicated to the other Central Dogma replicas as a serialized form.
A super class of the Commands which perform operations on the session storage.
An interface for session management.
Apache Shiro based AuthProvider implementation.
A factory for creating an Apache Shiro based AuthProvider.
A CentralDogmaException that is raised when Central Dogma cannot handle a request because it's shutting down.
A MirrorException raised when failed to create an SSH session.
A CommandExecutor implementation which performs operations on the local storage.
A RuntimeException that is raised when a potentially irrecoverable storage access failure has occurred.
An abstract interface to define operations performed on the storage.
TLS configuration.
Specifies details of an application token.
A CentralDogmaException that is raised when failed to find a Token.
Specifies a registration of a Token.
Holds a token map and a secret map for fast lookup.
A CentralDogmaException that is raised when a client is attempting to send requests more than quota limits.
A Command that transforms the content at the base revision with the specified ContentTransformer and pushed the result of transformation.
A Command which is used for restoring a project that was removed before.
A Command which is used for restoring a repository that was removed before.
A Command which is used to update the status of all servers in the cluster.
A user.
Specifies when an object is accessed by whom.
A User which accesses the API with a secret.
Watches the changes of a repository or a file.
Prepares to create a Watcher.
Prepares to send a CentralDogma.watchRepository(String, String, Revision, PathPattern, long, boolean) request to the Central Dogma repository.
Prepares to send a CentralDogma.watchFile(String, String, Revision, Query, long, boolean) request to the Central Dogma repository or create a new Watcher.
Builds a CentralDogma client based on an Armeria HTTP client.
Service for managing clusters.
Service for managing endpoints.
An XdsGroupServiceGrpc.XdsGroupServiceImplBase implementation that provides methods to manage XDS groups.
A plugin that fetches Kubernetes endpoints from Central Dogma and provides them to the control plane.
A gRPC service that handles Kubernetes resources.
Service for managing listeners.
Service for managing routes.
A configuration class for the zone.
ZooKeeper-based replication configuration.
Represents the address and port numbers of a ZooKeeper node.