Interface MirrorAccessController

public interface MirrorAccessController
A mirror access controller that can allow or disallow access to the remote repositories for mirroring.
  • Method Details

    • allow

      CompletableFuture<Boolean> allow(String targetPattern, String reason, int order)
      Allow access to a Git repository URI that matches the specified pattern.
      targetPattern - the pattern to match the Git repository URI
      reason - the reason for allowing access
      order - the order of the access control. The lower the order, the higher the priority.
    • disallow

      CompletableFuture<Boolean> disallow(String targetPattern, String reason, int order)
      Disallow access to a Git repository URI that matches the specified pattern.
      targetPattern - the pattern to match the Git repository URI
      reason - the reason for disallowing access
      order - the order of the access control. The lower the order, the higher the priority.
    • isAllowed

      default CompletableFuture<Boolean> isAllowed(URI repoUri)
      Check whether the specified Git repository URI is allowed to be mirrored.
    • isAllowed

      CompletableFuture<Boolean> isAllowed(String repoUri)
      Check whether the specified Git repository URI is allowed to be mirrored.
    • isAllowed

      default CompletableFuture<Boolean> isAllowed(Mirror mirror)
      Check whether the specified Mirror is allowed to be mirrored.
    • isAllowed

      Check whether the specified Git repository URIs are allowed to be mirrored.