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@line/bot-sdk / LINEThingsScenarioExecutionEvent

Type Alias: LINEThingsScenarioExecutionEvent

LINEThingsScenarioExecutionEvent: ReplyableEvent & object

Defined in: lib/types.ts:303

Type declaration


things: object


deviceId: string

Device ID of the device that executed the scenario


result: object


actionResults: LINEThingsActionResult[]

Execution result of individual operations specified in action Note that an array of actions specified in a scenario has the following characteristics

  • The actions defined in a scenario are performed sequentially, from top to bottom.
  • Each action produces some result when executed. Even actions that do not generate data, such as SLEEP, return an execution result of type void. The number of items in an action array may be 0.

Therefore, things.actionResults has the following properties:

  • The number of items in the array matches the number of actions defined in the scenario.
  • The order of execution results matches the order in which actions are performed. That is, in a scenario set with multiple GATT_READ actions, the results are returned in the order in which each individual GATT_READ action was performed.
  • If 0 actions are defined in the scenario, the number of items in things.actionResults will be 0.


optional bleNotificationPayload: string

Data contained in notification The value is Base64-encoded binary data. Only included for scenarios where trigger.type = BLE_NOTIFICATION.


endtime: number

Timestamp for when execution of scenario was completed (milliseconds, LINE app time)


optional errorReason: string

Error reason


resultCode: "success" | "gatt_error" | "runtime_error"

Scenario execution completion status See also things.resultCode definitions.


revision: number

Revision number of the scenario set containing the executed scenario


scenarioId: string

Scenario ID executed


startTime: number

Timestamp for when execution of scenario action started (milliseconds, LINE app time)


type: "scenarioResult"


type: "things"