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@line/bot-sdk / DatetimePickerAction

Type Alias: DatetimePickerAction

DatetimePickerAction: object

Defined in: lib/types.ts:2273

When a control associated with this action is tapped, a postback event is returned via webhook with the date and time selected by the user from the date and time selection dialog.

The datetime picker action does not support time zones.

Date and time format

The date and time formats for the initial, max, and min values are shown below. The full-date, time-hour, and time-minute formats follow the RFC3339 protocol.

datefull-date (Max: 2100-12-31; Min: 1900-01-01)2017-06-18
timetime-hour:time-minute (Max: 23:59; Min: 00:00)00:0006:1523:59
datetimefull-dateTtime-hour:time-minute or full-datettime-hour:time-minute (Max: 2100-12-31T23:59; Min: 1900-01-01T00:00)2017-06-18T06:152017-06-18t06:15

Type declaration


data: string

String returned via webhook in the property of the postback event (Max: 300 characters)


optional initial: string

Initial value of date or time


optional max: string

Largest date or time value that can be selected. Must be greater than the min value.


optional min: string

Smallest date or time value that can be selected. Must be less than the max value.


mode: "date" | "time" | "datetime"


type: "datetimepicker"