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@line/bot-sdk / ContentProvider

Type Alias: ContentProvider<WithPreview>

ContentProvider<WithPreview>: { type: "line"; } | { originalContentUrl: string; previewImageUrl: WithPreview extends true ? string : undefined; type: "external"; }

Defined in: lib/types.ts:458

Type Parameters

WithPreview extends boolean = true

Type declaration

{ type: "line"; }


type: "line"

The content is provided by LINE.

The data itself can be retrieved from the content API.

{ originalContentUrl: string; previewImageUrl: WithPreview extends true ? string : undefined; type: "external"; }


originalContentUrl: string

URL of the content. Only included when contentProvider.type is external.


previewImageUrl: WithPreview extends true ? string : undefined

URL of the content preview. Only included when contentProvider.type is external.

For contents without preview (e.g. audio), it's undefined.


type: "external"

The content is provided by a provider other than LINE