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@line/bot-sdk / moduleOperation / AcquireChatControlRequest

Type Alias: AcquireChatControlRequest

AcquireChatControlRequest: object

Request entity of the Acquire Control API

Type declaration


optional expired: boolean

True: After the time limit (ttl) has passed, the initiative (Chat Control) will return to the Primary Channel. (Default) False: There's no time limit and the initiative (Chat Control) doesn't change over time.


expired Documentation


optional ttl: number

The time it takes for initiative (Chat Control) to return to the Primary Channel (the time that the module channel stays on the Active Channel). The value is specified in seconds. The maximum value is one year (3600 * 24 * 365). The default value is 3600 (1 hour). * Ignored if the value of expired is false.


ttl Documentation

Defined in
