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@line/bot-sdk / insight / GetNumberOfFollowersResponse

Type Alias: GetNumberOfFollowersResponse

GetNumberOfFollowersResponse: object

Defined in: lib/insight/model/getNumberOfFollowersResponse.ts:16

Get number of followers

Type declaration


optional blocks: number

The number of users blocking the account as of the specified date. The number decreases when a user unblocks the account.


blocks Documentation


optional followers: number

The number of times, as of the specified date, that a user added this LINE Official Account as a friend for the first time. The number doesn't decrease even if a user later blocks the account or when they delete their LINE account.


followers Documentation


optional status: StatusEnum

Calculation status.


status Documentation


optional targetedReaches: number

The number of users, as of the specified date, that the LINE Official Account can reach through targeted messages based on gender, age, and/or region. This number only includes users who are active on LINE or LINE services and whose demographics have a high level of certainty.


targetedReaches Documentation