conflr (development version) Unreleased

  • New minor_edit parameter (default to FALSE) in the YAML front matter to skip sending notifications on page or attachment updates to watchers (#20, #107 @daroczig, #108).

  • New helper functions with the confl_macro prefix to generate HTML tags for the following Confluence macros: Table of Contents, Jira ticket references, Expand and Excerpt blocks (#111 @daroczig).

conflr 0.1.1 2020-04-08

  • A maintainance relase to fix errors on CRAN check.

conflr 0.1.0 2020-03-16

  • First CRAN release.

Major changes

  • conflr now works outside RStudio (e.g. Emacs/Vim) (#10).

  • conflr now fits batch/console uses; you can either

    1. run confl_create_post_from_Rmd() with interactive = FALSE so that it doesn’t show Shiny popups (#32, @ndiquattro).
    2. set output: conflr::confluence_document in the YAML front matter of the R Markdown file, and run rmarkdown::render() (#44, @kazutan / #80).
    title: "I love Confluence"
        space_key: "space1"
  • conflr provides several new options:

    • “Use original image sizes” option controls whether to resize the image (default) or not (#21).
    • “TOC” option adds a table of contents and “TOC depth” option changes the max level of headers to include (#67).
    • “Fold code blocks” option controls whether to fold codes (default) or not (#81).

Minor changes

conflr 0.0.5 Unreleased

  • Initial release on GitHub