1   /*
2    * Copyright 2017 LINE Corporation
3    *
4    * LINE Corporation licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
5    * version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
6    * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
7    *
8    *   https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9    *
10   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
12   * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
13   * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
14   * under the License.
15   */
17  package com.linecorp.centraldogma.server.internal.storage.repository.git;
19  import static com.google.common.base.MoreObjects.firstNonNull;
20  import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState;
21  import static com.linecorp.centraldogma.server.internal.storage.repository.git.FailFastUtil.context;
22  import static com.linecorp.centraldogma.server.internal.storage.repository.git.FailFastUtil.failFastIfTimedOut;
23  import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
24  import static java.util.Objects.requireNonNull;
25  import static org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ConfigConstants.CONFIG_CORE_SECTION;
26  import static org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ConfigConstants.CONFIG_KEY_REPO_FORMAT_VERSION;
28  import java.io.File;
29  import java.io.IOException;
30  import java.io.InputStream;
31  import java.lang.reflect.Field;
32  import java.util.ArrayList;
33  import java.util.Collection;
34  import java.util.Collections;
35  import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
36  import java.util.List;
37  import java.util.Map;
38  import java.util.Objects;
39  import java.util.Properties;
40  import java.util.StringJoiner;
41  import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
42  import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
43  import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
44  import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
45  import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReadWriteLock;
46  import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
47  import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
48  import java.util.function.Supplier;
49  import java.util.regex.Pattern;
51  import javax.annotation.Nullable;
53  import org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffEntry;
54  import org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffFormatter;
55  import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCache;
56  import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheBuilder;
57  import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheEditor;
58  import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheEditor.DeletePath;
59  import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheEditor.DeleteTree;
60  import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheEditor.PathEdit;
61  import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheEntry;
62  import org.eclipse.jgit.dircache.DirCacheIterator;
63  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.CommitBuilder;
64  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants;
65  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.FileMode;
66  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
67  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectIdOwnerMap;
68  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectInserter;
69  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectReader;
70  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.PersonIdent;
71  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref;
72  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RefUpdate;
73  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RefUpdate.Result;
74  import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RepositoryBuilder;
75  import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit;
76  import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevTree;
77  import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk;
78  import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.TreeRevFilter;
79  import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.filter.RevFilter;
80  import org.eclipse.jgit.storage.file.FileBasedConfig;
81  import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.CanonicalTreeParser;
82  import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.TreeWalk;
83  import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.filter.AndTreeFilter;
84  import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.filter.TreeFilter;
85  import org.eclipse.jgit.util.SystemReader;
86  import org.slf4j.Logger;
87  import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
89  import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
90  import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory;
91  import com.google.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
92  import com.google.common.base.MoreObjects;
93  import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
95  import com.linecorp.armeria.server.ServiceRequestContext;
96  import com.linecorp.centraldogma.common.Author;
97  import com.linecorp.centraldogma.common.CentralDogmaException;
98  import com.linecorp.centraldogma.common.Change;
99  import com.linecorp.centraldogma.common.ChangeConflictException;
100 import com.linecorp.centraldogma.common.Commit;
101 import com.linecorp.centraldogma.common.Entry;
102 import com.linecorp.centraldogma.common.EntryNotFoundException;
103 import com.linecorp.centraldogma.common.EntryType;
104 import com.linecorp.centraldogma.common.Markup;
105 import com.linecorp.centraldogma.common.RedundantChangeException;
106 import com.linecorp.centraldogma.common.RepositoryNotFoundException;
107 import com.linecorp.centraldogma.common.Revision;
108 import com.linecorp.centraldogma.common.RevisionNotFoundException;
109 import com.linecorp.centraldogma.common.RevisionRange;
110 import com.linecorp.centraldogma.internal.Jackson;
111 import com.linecorp.centraldogma.internal.Util;
112 import com.linecorp.centraldogma.internal.jsonpatch.JsonPatch;
113 import com.linecorp.centraldogma.internal.jsonpatch.ReplaceMode;
114 import com.linecorp.centraldogma.server.command.CommitResult;
115 import com.linecorp.centraldogma.server.internal.IsolatedSystemReader;
116 import com.linecorp.centraldogma.server.internal.JGitUtil;
117 import com.linecorp.centraldogma.server.internal.storage.repository.RepositoryCache;
118 import com.linecorp.centraldogma.server.storage.StorageException;
119 import com.linecorp.centraldogma.server.storage.project.Project;
120 import com.linecorp.centraldogma.server.storage.repository.FindOption;
121 import com.linecorp.centraldogma.server.storage.repository.FindOptions;
122 import com.linecorp.centraldogma.server.storage.repository.Repository;
124 import difflib.DiffUtils;
125 import difflib.Patch;
127 /**
128  * A {@link Repository} based on Git.
129  */
130 class GitRepository implements Repository {
132     private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GitRepository.class);
134     static final String R_HEADS_MASTER = Constants.R_HEADS + Constants.MASTER;
136     private static final byte[] EMPTY_BYTE = new byte[0];
137     private static final Pattern CR = Pattern.compile("\r", Pattern.LITERAL);
139     private static final Field revWalkObjectsField;
141     static {
142         final String jgitPomProperties = "META-INF/maven/org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit/pom.properties";
143         try (InputStream is = SystemReader.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(jgitPomProperties)) {
144             final Properties props = new Properties();
145             props.load(is);
146             final Object jgitVersion = props.get("version");
147             if (jgitVersion != null) {
148                 logger.info("Using JGit: {}", jgitVersion);
149             }
150         } catch (IOException e) {
151             logger.debug("Failed to read JGit version", e);
152         }
154         IsolatedSystemReader.install();
156         Field field = null;
157         try {
158             field = RevWalk.class.getDeclaredField("objects");
159             if (field.getType() != ObjectIdOwnerMap.class) {
160                 throw new IllegalStateException(
161                         RevWalk.class.getSimpleName() + ".objects is not an " +
162                         ObjectIdOwnerMap.class.getSimpleName() + '.');
163             }
164             field.setAccessible(true);
165         } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
166             throw new IllegalStateException(
167                     RevWalk.class.getSimpleName() + ".objects does not exist.");
168         }
170         revWalkObjectsField = field;
171     }
173     private final ReadWriteLock rwLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
174     private final Project parent;
175     private final Executor repositoryWorker;
176     private final long creationTimeMillis;
177     private final Author author;
178     @VisibleForTesting
179     @Nullable
180     final RepositoryCache cache;
181     private final String name;
182     private final org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository jGitRepository;
183     private final CommitIdDatabase commitIdDatabase;
184     @VisibleForTesting
185     final CommitWatchers commitWatchers = new CommitWatchers();
186     private final AtomicReference<Supplier<CentralDogmaException>> closePending = new AtomicReference<>();
187     private final CompletableFuture<Void> closeFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
189     /**
190      * The current head revision. Initialized by the constructor and updated by commit().
191      */
192     private volatile Revision headRevision;
194     /**
195      * Creates a new Git-backed repository.
196      *
197      * @param repoDir the location of this repository
198      * @param repositoryWorker the {@link Executor} which will perform the blocking repository operations
199      * @param creationTimeMillis the creation time
200      * @param author the user who initiated the creation of this repository
201      *
202      * @throws StorageException if failed to create a new repository
203      */
204     @VisibleForTesting
205     GitRepository(Project parent, File repoDir, Executor repositoryWorker,
206                   long creationTimeMillis, Author author) {
207         this(parent, repoDir, repositoryWorker, creationTimeMillis, author, null);
208     }
210     /**
211      * Creates a new Git-backed repository.
212      *
213      * @param repoDir the location of this repository
214      * @param repositoryWorker the {@link Executor} which will perform the blocking repository operations
215      * @param creationTimeMillis the creation time
216      * @param author the user who initiated the creation of this repository
217      *
218      * @throws StorageException if failed to create a new repository
219      */
220     GitRepository(Project parent, File repoDir, Executor repositoryWorker,
221                   long creationTimeMillis, Author author, @Nullable RepositoryCache cache) {
223         this.parent = requireNonNull(parent, "parent");
224         name = requireNonNull(repoDir, "repoDir").getName();
225         this.repositoryWorker = requireNonNull(repositoryWorker, "repositoryWorker");
226         this.creationTimeMillis = creationTimeMillis;
227         this.author = requireNonNull(author, "author");
228         this.cache = cache;
230         final RepositoryBuilder repositoryBuilder = new RepositoryBuilder().setGitDir(repoDir).setBare();
231         boolean success = false;
232         try {
233             // Create an empty repository with format version 0 first.
234             try (org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository initRepo = repositoryBuilder.build()) {
235                 if (exist(repoDir)) {
236                     throw new StorageException(
237                             "failed to create a repository at: " + repoDir + " (exists already)");
238                 }
239                 initRepo.create(true);
241                 // Save the initial default settings.
242                 JGitUtil.applyDefaultsAndSave(initRepo.getConfig());
243             }
245             // Re-open the repository with the updated settings.
246             jGitRepository = new RepositoryBuilder().setGitDir(repoDir).build();
248             // Initialize the master branch.
249             final RefUpdate head = jGitRepository.updateRef(Constants.HEAD);
250             head.disableRefLog();
251             head.link(Constants.R_HEADS + Constants.MASTER);
253             // Initialize the commit ID database.
254             commitIdDatabase = new CommitIdDatabase(jGitRepository);
256             // Insert the initial commit into the master branch.
257             commit0(null, Revision.INIT, creationTimeMillis, author,
258                     "Create a new repository", "", Markup.PLAINTEXT,
259                     Collections.emptyList(), true);
261             headRevision = Revision.INIT;
262             success = true;
263         } catch (IOException e) {
264             throw new StorageException("failed to create a repository at: " + repoDir, e);
265         } finally {
266             if (!success) {
267                 internalClose();
268                 // Failed to create a repository. Remove any cruft so that it is not loaded on the next run.
269                 deleteCruft(repoDir);
270             }
271         }
272     }
274     /**
275      * Opens an existing Git-backed repository.
276      *
277      * @param repoDir the location of this repository
278      * @param repositoryWorker the {@link Executor} which will perform the blocking repository operations
279      *
280      * @throws StorageException if failed to open the repository at the specified location
281      */
282     GitRepository(Project parent, File repoDir, Executor repositoryWorker, @Nullable RepositoryCache cache) {
283         this.parent = requireNonNull(parent, "parent");
284         name = requireNonNull(repoDir, "repoDir").getName();
285         this.repositoryWorker = requireNonNull(repositoryWorker, "repositoryWorker");
286         this.cache = cache;
288         final RepositoryBuilder repositoryBuilder = new RepositoryBuilder().setGitDir(repoDir).setBare();
289         try {
290             jGitRepository = repositoryBuilder.build();
291             if (!exist(repoDir)) {
292                 throw new RepositoryNotFoundException(repoDir.toString());
293             }
295             // Retrieve the repository format.
296             final int formatVersion = jGitRepository.getConfig().getInt(
297                     CONFIG_CORE_SECTION, null, CONFIG_KEY_REPO_FORMAT_VERSION, 0);
298             if (formatVersion != JGitUtil.REPO_FORMAT_VERSION) {
299                 throw new StorageException("unsupported repository format version: " + formatVersion +
300                                            " (expected: " + JGitUtil.REPO_FORMAT_VERSION + ')');
301             }
303             // Update the default settings if necessary.
304             JGitUtil.applyDefaultsAndSave(jGitRepository.getConfig());
305         } catch (IOException e) {
306             throw new StorageException("failed to open a repository at: " + repoDir, e);
307         }
309         boolean success = false;
310         try {
311             headRevision = uncachedHeadRevision();
312             commitIdDatabase = new CommitIdDatabase(jGitRepository);
313             if (!headRevision.equals(commitIdDatabase.headRevision())) {
314                 commitIdDatabase.rebuild(jGitRepository);
315                 assert headRevision.equals(commitIdDatabase.headRevision());
316             }
317             final Commit initialCommit = blockingHistory(Revision.INIT, Revision.INIT, ALL_PATH, 1).get(0);
318             creationTimeMillis = initialCommit.when();
319             author = initialCommit.author();
320             success = true;
321         } finally {
322             if (!success) {
323                 internalClose();
324             }
325         }
326     }
328     private static boolean exist(File repoDir) {
329         try {
330             final RepositoryBuilder repositoryBuilder = new RepositoryBuilder().setGitDir(repoDir);
331             final org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository repository = repositoryBuilder.build();
332             if (repository.getConfig() instanceof FileBasedConfig) {
333                 return ((FileBasedConfig) repository.getConfig()).getFile().exists();
334             }
335             return repository.getDirectory().exists();
336         } catch (IOException e) {
337             throw new StorageException("failed to check if repository exists at " + repoDir, e);
338         }
339     }
341     /**
342      * Waits until all pending operations are complete and closes this repository.
343      *
344      * @param failureCauseSupplier the {@link Supplier} that creates a new {@link CentralDogmaException}
345      *                             which will be used to fail the operations issued after this method is called
346      */
347     void close(Supplier<CentralDogmaException> failureCauseSupplier) {
348         requireNonNull(failureCauseSupplier, "failureCauseSupplier");
349         if (closePending.compareAndSet(null, failureCauseSupplier)) {
350             repositoryWorker.execute(() -> {
351                 // MUST acquire gcLock first to prevent a dead lock
352                 rwLock.writeLock().lock();
353                 try {
354                     if (commitIdDatabase != null) {
355                         try {
356                             commitIdDatabase.close();
357                         } catch (Exception e) {
358                             logger.warn("Failed to close a commitId database:", e);
359                         }
360                     }
362                     if (jGitRepository != null) {
363                         try {
364                             jGitRepository.close();
365                         } catch (Exception e) {
366                             logger.warn("Failed to close a Git repository: {}",
367                                         jGitRepository.getDirectory(), e);
368                         }
369                     }
370                 } finally {
371                     try {
372                         rwLock.writeLock().unlock();
373                     } finally {
374                         commitWatchers.close(failureCauseSupplier);
375                         closeFuture.complete(null);
376                     }
377                 }
378             });
379         }
381         closeFuture.join();
382     }
384     void internalClose() {
385         close(() -> new CentralDogmaException("should never reach here"));
386     }
388     @Override
389     public Project parent() {
390         return parent;
391     }
393     @Override
394     public String name() {
395         return name;
396     }
398     @Override
399     public long creationTimeMillis() {
400         return creationTimeMillis;
401     }
403     @Override
404     public Author author() {
405         return author;
406     }
408     @Override
409     public Revision normalizeNow(Revision revision) {
410         return normalizeNow(revision, cachedHeadRevision().major());
411     }
413     private static Revision normalizeNow(Revision revision, int baseMajor) {
414         requireNonNull(revision, "revision");
416         int major = revision.major();
418         if (major >= 0) {
419             if (major > baseMajor) {
420                 throw new RevisionNotFoundException(revision);
421             }
422         } else {
423             major = baseMajor + major + 1;
424             if (major <= 0) {
425                 throw new RevisionNotFoundException(revision);
426             }
427         }
429         // Create a new instance only when necessary.
430         if (revision.major() == major) {
431             return revision;
432         } else {
433             return new Revision(major);
434         }
435     }
437     @Override
438     public RevisionRange normalizeNow(Revision from, Revision to) {
439         final int baseMajor = cachedHeadRevision().major();
440         return new RevisionRange(normalizeNow(from, baseMajor), normalizeNow(to, baseMajor));
441     }
443     @Override
444     public CompletableFuture<Map<String, Entry<?>>> find(
445             Revision revision, String pathPattern, Map<FindOption<?>, ?> options) {
446         final ServiceRequestContext ctx = context();
447         return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
448             failFastIfTimedOut(this, logger, ctx, "find", revision, pathPattern, options);
449             return blockingFind(revision, pathPattern, options);
450         }, repositoryWorker);
451     }
453     private Map<String, Entry<?>> blockingFind(
454             Revision revision, String pathPattern, Map<FindOption<?>, ?> options) {
456         requireNonNull(pathPattern, "pathPattern");
457         requireNonNull(revision, "revision");
458         requireNonNull(options, "options");
460         final Revision normRevision = normalizeNow(revision);
461         final boolean fetchContent = FindOption.FETCH_CONTENT.get(options);
462         final int maxEntries = FindOption.MAX_ENTRIES.get(options);
464         readLock();
465         try (ObjectReader reader = jGitRepository.newObjectReader();
466              TreeWalk treeWalk = new TreeWalk(reader);
467              RevWalk revWalk = newRevWalk(reader)) {
469             // Query on a non-exist revision will return empty result.
470             final Revision headRevision = cachedHeadRevision();
471             if (normRevision.compareTo(headRevision) > 0) {
472                 return Collections.emptyMap();
473             }
475             if ("/".equals(pathPattern)) {
476                 return Collections.singletonMap(pathPattern, Entry.ofDirectory(normRevision, "/"));
477             }
479             final Map<String, Entry<?>> result = new LinkedHashMap<>();
480             final ObjectId commitId = commitIdDatabase.get(normRevision);
481             final RevCommit revCommit = revWalk.parseCommit(commitId);
482             final PathPatternFilter filter = PathPatternFilter.of(pathPattern);
484             final RevTree revTree = revCommit.getTree();
485             treeWalk.addTree(revTree.getId());
486             while (treeWalk.next() && result.size() < maxEntries) {
487                 final boolean matches = filter.matches(treeWalk);
488                 final String path = '/' + treeWalk.getPathString();
490                 // Recurse into a directory if necessary.
491                 if (treeWalk.isSubtree()) {
492                     if (matches) {
493                         // Add the directory itself to the result set if its path matches the pattern.
494                         result.put(path, Entry.ofDirectory(normRevision, path));
495                     }
497                     treeWalk.enterSubtree();
498                     continue;
499                 }
501                 if (!matches) {
502                     continue;
503                 }
505                 // Build an entry as requested.
506                 final Entry<?> entry;
507                 final EntryType entryType = EntryType.guessFromPath(path);
508                 if (fetchContent) {
509                     final byte[] content = reader.open(treeWalk.getObjectId(0)).getBytes();
510                     switch (entryType) {
511                         case JSON:
512                             final JsonNode jsonNode = Jackson.readTree(content);
513                             entry = Entry.ofJson(normRevision, path, jsonNode);
514                             break;
515                         case TEXT:
516                             final String strVal = sanitizeText(new String(content, UTF_8));
517                             entry = Entry.ofText(normRevision, path, strVal);
518                             break;
519                         default:
520                             throw new Error("unexpected entry type: " + entryType);
521                     }
522                 } else {
523                     switch (entryType) {
524                         case JSON:
525                             entry = Entry.ofJson(normRevision, path, Jackson.nullNode);
526                             break;
527                         case TEXT:
528                             entry = Entry.ofText(normRevision, path, "");
529                             break;
530                         default:
531                             throw new Error("unexpected entry type: " + entryType);
532                     }
533                 }
535                 result.put(path, entry);
536             }
538             return Util.unsafeCast(result);
539         } catch (CentralDogmaException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
540             throw e;
541         } catch (Exception e) {
542             throw new StorageException(
543                     "failed to get data from '" + parent.name() + '/' + name + "' at " + pathPattern +
544                     " for " + revision, e);
545         } finally {
546             readUnlock();
547         }
548     }
550     @Override
551     public CompletableFuture<List<Commit>> history(
552             Revision from, Revision to, String pathPattern, int maxCommits) {
554         final ServiceRequestContext ctx = context();
555         return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
556             failFastIfTimedOut(this, logger, ctx, "history", from, to, pathPattern, maxCommits);
557             return blockingHistory(from, to, pathPattern, maxCommits);
558         }, repositoryWorker);
559     }
561     private List<Commit> blockingHistory(Revision from, Revision to, String pathPattern, int maxCommits) {
562         requireNonNull(pathPattern, "pathPattern");
563         requireNonNull(from, "from");
564         requireNonNull(to, "to");
565         if (maxCommits <= 0) {
566             throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxCommits: " + maxCommits + " (expected: > 0)");
567         }
569         maxCommits = Math.min(maxCommits, MAX_MAX_COMMITS);
571         final RevisionRange range = normalizeNow(from, to);
572         final RevisionRange descendingRange = range.toDescending();
574         // At this point, we are sure: from.major >= to.major
575         readLock();
576         try (RevWalk revWalk = newRevWalk()) {
577             final ObjectIdOwnerMap<?> revWalkInternalMap =
578                     (ObjectIdOwnerMap<?>) revWalkObjectsField.get(revWalk);
580             final ObjectId fromCommitId = commitIdDatabase.get(descendingRange.from());
581             final ObjectId toCommitId = commitIdDatabase.get(descendingRange.to());
583             revWalk.markStart(revWalk.parseCommit(fromCommitId));
584             revWalk.setRetainBody(false);
586             // Instead of relying on RevWalk to filter the commits,
587             // we let RevWalk yield all commits so we can:
588             // - Have more control on when iteration should be stopped.
589             //   (A single Iterator.next() doesn't take long.)
590             // - Clean up the internal map as early as possible.
591             final RevFilter filter = new TreeRevFilter(revWalk, AndTreeFilter.create(
592                     TreeFilter.ANY_DIFF, PathPatternFilter.of(pathPattern)));
594             // Search up to 1000 commits when maxCommits <= 100.
595             // Search up to (maxCommits * 10) commits when 100 < maxCommits <= 1000.
596             final int maxNumProcessedCommits = Math.max(maxCommits * 10, MAX_MAX_COMMITS);
598             final List<Commit> commitList = new ArrayList<>();
599             int numProcessedCommits = 0;
600             for (RevCommit revCommit : revWalk) {
601                 numProcessedCommits++;
603                 if (filter.include(revWalk, revCommit)) {
604                     revWalk.parseBody(revCommit);
605                     commitList.add(toCommit(revCommit));
606                     revCommit.disposeBody();
607                 }
609                 if (revCommit.getId().equals(toCommitId) ||
610                     commitList.size() >= maxCommits ||
611                     // Prevent from iterating for too long.
612                     numProcessedCommits >= maxNumProcessedCommits) {
613                     break;
614                 }
616                 // Clear the internal lookup table of RevWalk to reduce the memory usage.
617                 // This is safe because we have linear history and traverse in one direction.
618                 if (numProcessedCommits % 16 == 0) {
619                     revWalkInternalMap.clear();
620                 }
621             }
623             // Include the initial empty commit only when the caller specified
624             // the initial revision (1) in the range and the pathPattern contains '/**'.
625             if (commitList.size() < maxCommits &&
626                 descendingRange.to().major() == 1 &&
627                 pathPattern.contains(ALL_PATH)) {
628                 try (RevWalk tmpRevWalk = newRevWalk()) {
629                     final RevCommit lastRevCommit = tmpRevWalk.parseCommit(toCommitId);
630                     commitList.add(toCommit(lastRevCommit));
631                 }
632             }
634             if (!descendingRange.equals(range)) { // from and to is swapped so reverse the list.
635                 Collections.reverse(commitList);
636             }
638             return commitList;
639         } catch (CentralDogmaException e) {
640             throw e;
641         } catch (Exception e) {
642             throw new StorageException(
643                     "failed to retrieve the history: " + parent.name() + '/' + name +
644                     " (" + pathPattern + ", " + from + ".." + to + ')', e);
645         } finally {
646             readUnlock();
647         }
648     }
650     private static Commit toCommit(RevCommit revCommit) {
651         final Author author;
652         final PersonIdent committerIdent = revCommit.getCommitterIdent();
653         final long when;
654         if (committerIdent == null) {
655             author = Author.UNKNOWN;
656             when = 0;
657         } else {
658             author = new Author(committerIdent.getName(), committerIdent.getEmailAddress());
659             when = committerIdent.getWhen().getTime();
660         }
662         try {
663             return CommitUtil.newCommit(author, when, revCommit.getFullMessage());
664         } catch (Exception e) {
665             throw new StorageException("failed to create a Commit", e);
666         }
667     }
669     /**
670      * Get the diff between any two valid revisions.
671      *
672      * @param from revision from
673      * @param to revision to
674      * @param pathPattern target path pattern
675      * @return the map of changes mapped by path
676      * @throws StorageException if {@code from} or {@code to} does not exist.
677      */
678     @Override
679     public CompletableFuture<Map<String, Change<?>>> diff(Revision from, Revision to, String pathPattern) {
680         final ServiceRequestContext ctx = context();
681         return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
682             requireNonNull(from, "from");
683             requireNonNull(to, "to");
684             requireNonNull(pathPattern, "pathPattern");
686             failFastIfTimedOut(this, logger, ctx, "diff", from, to, pathPattern);
688             final RevisionRange range = normalizeNow(from, to).toAscending();
689             readLock();
690             try (RevWalk rw = newRevWalk()) {
691                 final RevTree treeA = rw.parseTree(commitIdDatabase.get(range.from()));
692                 final RevTree treeB = rw.parseTree(commitIdDatabase.get(range.to()));
694                 // Compare the two Git trees.
695                 // Note that we do not cache here because CachingRepository caches the final result already.
696                 return toChangeMap(blockingCompareTreesUncached(treeA, treeB,
697                                                                 pathPatternFilterOrTreeFilter(pathPattern)));
698             } catch (StorageException e) {
699                 throw e;
700             } catch (Exception e) {
701                 throw new StorageException("failed to parse two trees: range=" + range, e);
702             } finally {
703                 readUnlock();
704             }
705         }, repositoryWorker);
706     }
708     private static TreeFilter pathPatternFilterOrTreeFilter(@Nullable String pathPattern) {
709         if (pathPattern == null) {
710             return TreeFilter.ALL;
711         }
713         final PathPatternFilter pathPatternFilter = PathPatternFilter.of(pathPattern);
714         return pathPatternFilter.matchesAll() ? TreeFilter.ALL : pathPatternFilter;
715     }
717     @Override
718     public CompletableFuture<Map<String, Change<?>>> previewDiff(Revision baseRevision,
719                                                                  Iterable<Change<?>> changes) {
720         final ServiceRequestContext ctx = context();
721         return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
722             failFastIfTimedOut(this, logger, ctx, "previewDiff", baseRevision);
723             return blockingPreviewDiff(baseRevision, changes);
724         }, repositoryWorker);
725     }
727     private Map<String, Change<?>> blockingPreviewDiff(Revision baseRevision, Iterable<Change<?>> changes) {
728         requireNonNull(baseRevision, "baseRevision");
729         requireNonNull(changes, "changes");
730         baseRevision = normalizeNow(baseRevision);
732         readLock();
733         try (ObjectReader reader = jGitRepository.newObjectReader();
734              RevWalk revWalk = newRevWalk(reader);
735              DiffFormatter diffFormatter = new DiffFormatter(null)) {
737             final ObjectId baseTreeId = toTree(revWalk, baseRevision);
738             final DirCache dirCache = DirCache.newInCore();
739             final int numEdits = applyChanges(baseRevision, baseTreeId, dirCache, changes);
740             if (numEdits == 0) {
741                 return Collections.emptyMap();
742             }
744             final CanonicalTreeParser p = new CanonicalTreeParser();
745             p.reset(reader, baseTreeId);
746             diffFormatter.setRepository(jGitRepository);
747             final List<DiffEntry> result = diffFormatter.scan(p, new DirCacheIterator(dirCache));
748             return toChangeMap(result);
749         } catch (IOException e) {
750             throw new StorageException("failed to perform a dry-run diff", e);
751         } finally {
752             readUnlock();
753         }
754     }
756     private Map<String, Change<?>> toChangeMap(List<DiffEntry> diffEntryList) {
757         try (ObjectReader reader = jGitRepository.newObjectReader()) {
758             final Map<String, Change<?>> changeMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
760             for (DiffEntry diffEntry : diffEntryList) {
761                 final String oldPath = '/' + diffEntry.getOldPath();
762                 final String newPath = '/' + diffEntry.getNewPath();
764                 switch (diffEntry.getChangeType()) {
765                     case MODIFY:
766                         final EntryType oldEntryType = EntryType.guessFromPath(oldPath);
767                         switch (oldEntryType) {
768                             case JSON:
769                                 if (!oldPath.equals(newPath)) {
770                                     putChange(changeMap, oldPath, Change.ofRename(oldPath, newPath));
771                                 }
773                                 final JsonNode oldJsonNode =
774                                         Jackson.readTree(
775                                                 reader.open(diffEntry.getOldId().toObjectId()).getBytes());
776                                 final JsonNode newJsonNode =
777                                         Jackson.readTree(
778                                                 reader.open(diffEntry.getNewId().toObjectId()).getBytes());
779                                 final JsonPatch patch =
780                                         JsonPatch.generate(oldJsonNode, newJsonNode, ReplaceMode.SAFE);
782                                 if (!patch.isEmpty()) {
783                                     putChange(changeMap, newPath,
784                                               Change.ofJsonPatch(newPath, Jackson.valueToTree(patch)));
785                                 }
786                                 break;
787                             case TEXT:
788                                 final String oldText = sanitizeText(new String(
789                                         reader.open(diffEntry.getOldId().toObjectId()).getBytes(), UTF_8));
791                                 final String newText = sanitizeText(new String(
792                                         reader.open(diffEntry.getNewId().toObjectId()).getBytes(), UTF_8));
794                                 if (!oldPath.equals(newPath)) {
795                                     putChange(changeMap, oldPath, Change.ofRename(oldPath, newPath));
796                                 }
798                                 if (!oldText.equals(newText)) {
799                                     putChange(changeMap, newPath,
800                                               Change.ofTextPatch(newPath, oldText, newText));
801                                 }
802                                 break;
803                             default:
804                                 throw new Error("unexpected old entry type: " + oldEntryType);
805                         }
806                         break;
807                     case ADD:
808                         final EntryType newEntryType = EntryType.guessFromPath(newPath);
809                         switch (newEntryType) {
810                             case JSON: {
811                                 final JsonNode jsonNode = Jackson.readTree(
812                                         reader.open(diffEntry.getNewId().toObjectId()).getBytes());
814                                 putChange(changeMap, newPath, Change.ofJsonUpsert(newPath, jsonNode));
815                                 break;
816                             }
817                             case TEXT: {
818                                 final String text = sanitizeText(new String(
819                                         reader.open(diffEntry.getNewId().toObjectId()).getBytes(), UTF_8));
821                                 putChange(changeMap, newPath, Change.ofTextUpsert(newPath, text));
822                                 break;
823                             }
824                             default:
825                                 throw new Error("unexpected new entry type: " + newEntryType);
826                         }
827                         break;
828                     case DELETE:
829                         putChange(changeMap, oldPath, Change.ofRemoval(oldPath));
830                         break;
831                     default:
832                         throw new Error();
833                 }
834             }
835             return changeMap;
836         } catch (Exception e) {
837             throw new StorageException("failed to convert list of DiffEntry to Changes map", e);
838         }
839     }
841     private static void putChange(Map<String, Change<?>> changeMap, String path, Change<?> change) {
842         final Change<?> oldChange = changeMap.put(path, change);
843         assert oldChange == null;
844     }
846     @Override
847     public CompletableFuture<CommitResult> commit(
848             Revision baseRevision, long commitTimeMillis, Author author, String summary,
849             String detail, Markup markup, Iterable<Change<?>> changes, boolean directExecution) {
850         requireNonNull(baseRevision, "baseRevision");
851         requireNonNull(author, "author");
852         requireNonNull(summary, "summary");
853         requireNonNull(detail, "detail");
854         requireNonNull(markup, "markup");
855         requireNonNull(changes, "changes");
857         final ServiceRequestContext ctx = context();
858         return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
859             failFastIfTimedOut(this, logger, ctx, "commit", baseRevision, author, summary);
860             return blockingCommit(baseRevision, commitTimeMillis,
861                                   author, summary, detail, markup, changes, false, directExecution);
862         }, repositoryWorker);
863     }
865     private CommitResult blockingCommit(
866             Revision baseRevision, long commitTimeMillis, Author author, String summary,
867             String detail, Markup markup, Iterable<Change<?>> changes, boolean allowEmptyCommit,
868             boolean directExecution) {
870         requireNonNull(baseRevision, "baseRevision");
872         final RevisionAndEntries res;
873         final Iterable<Change<?>> applyingChanges;
874         writeLock();
875         try {
876             final Revision normBaseRevision = normalizeNow(baseRevision);
877             final Revision headRevision = cachedHeadRevision();
878             if (headRevision.major() != normBaseRevision.major()) {
879                 throw new ChangeConflictException(
880                         "invalid baseRevision: " + baseRevision + " (expected: " + headRevision +
881                         " or equivalent)");
882             }
884             if (directExecution) {
885                 applyingChanges = blockingPreviewDiff(normBaseRevision, changes).values();
886             } else {
887                 applyingChanges = changes;
888             }
889             res = commit0(headRevision, headRevision.forward(1), commitTimeMillis,
890                           author, summary, detail, markup, applyingChanges, allowEmptyCommit);
892             this.headRevision = res.revision;
893         } finally {
894             writeUnLock();
895         }
897         // Note that the notification is made while no lock is held to avoid the risk of a dead lock.
898         notifyWatchers(res.revision, res.diffEntries);
899         return CommitResult.of(res.revision, applyingChanges);
900     }
902     private RevisionAndEntries commit0(@Nullable Revision prevRevision, Revision nextRevision,
903                                        long commitTimeMillis, Author author, String summary,
904                                        String detail, Markup markup,
905                                        Iterable<Change<?>> changes, boolean allowEmpty) {
907         requireNonNull(author, "author");
908         requireNonNull(summary, "summary");
909         requireNonNull(changes, "changes");
910         requireNonNull(detail, "detail");
911         requireNonNull(markup, "markup");
913         assert prevRevision == null || prevRevision.major() > 0;
914         assert nextRevision.major() > 0;
916         try (ObjectInserter inserter = jGitRepository.newObjectInserter();
917              ObjectReader reader = jGitRepository.newObjectReader();
918              RevWalk revWalk = newRevWalk(reader)) {
920             final ObjectId prevTreeId = prevRevision != null ? toTree(revWalk, prevRevision) : null;
922             // The staging area that keeps the entries of the new tree.
923             // It starts with the entries of the tree at the prevRevision (or with no entries if the
924             // prevRevision is the initial commit), and then this method will apply the requested changes
925             // to build the new tree.
926             final DirCache dirCache = DirCache.newInCore();
928             // Apply the changes and retrieve the list of the affected files.
929             final int numEdits = applyChanges(prevRevision, prevTreeId, dirCache, changes);
931             // Reject empty commit if necessary.
932             final List<DiffEntry> diffEntries;
933             boolean isEmpty = numEdits == 0;
934             if (!isEmpty) {
935                 // Even if there are edits, the resulting tree might be identical with the previous tree.
936                 final CanonicalTreeParser p = new CanonicalTreeParser();
937                 p.reset(reader, prevTreeId);
938                 final DiffFormatter diffFormatter = new DiffFormatter(null);
939                 diffFormatter.setRepository(jGitRepository);
940                 diffEntries = diffFormatter.scan(p, new DirCacheIterator(dirCache));
941                 isEmpty = diffEntries.isEmpty();
942             } else {
943                 diffEntries = ImmutableList.of();
944             }
946             if (!allowEmpty && isEmpty) {
947                 throw new RedundantChangeException(
948                         "changes did not change anything in " + parent().name() + '/' + name() +
949                         " at revision " + (prevRevision != null ? prevRevision.major() : 0) +
950                         ": " + changes);
951             }
953             // flush the current index to repository and get the result tree object id.
954             final ObjectId nextTreeId = dirCache.writeTree(inserter);
956             // build a commit object
957             final PersonIdent personIdent = new PersonIdent(author.name(), author.email(),
958                                                             commitTimeMillis / 1000L * 1000L, 0);
960             final CommitBuilder commitBuilder = new CommitBuilder();
962             commitBuilder.setAuthor(personIdent);
963             commitBuilder.setCommitter(personIdent);
964             commitBuilder.setTreeId(nextTreeId);
965             commitBuilder.setEncoding(UTF_8);
967             // Write summary, detail and revision to commit's message as JSON format.
968             commitBuilder.setMessage(CommitUtil.toJsonString(summary, detail, markup, nextRevision));
970             // if the head commit exists, use it as the parent commit.
971             if (prevRevision != null) {
972                 commitBuilder.setParentId(commitIdDatabase.get(prevRevision));
973             }
975             final ObjectId nextCommitId = inserter.insert(commitBuilder);
976             inserter.flush();
978             // tagging the revision object, for history lookup purpose.
979             commitIdDatabase.put(nextRevision, nextCommitId);
980             doRefUpdate(revWalk, R_HEADS_MASTER, nextCommitId);
982             return new RevisionAndEntries(nextRevision, diffEntries);
983         } catch (CentralDogmaException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
984             throw e;
985         } catch (Exception e) {
986             throw new StorageException("failed to push at '" + parent.name() + '/' + name + '\'', e);
987         }
988     }
990     private int applyChanges(@Nullable Revision baseRevision, @Nullable ObjectId baseTreeId, DirCache dirCache,
991                              Iterable<Change<?>> changes) {
993         int numEdits = 0;
995         try (ObjectInserter inserter = jGitRepository.newObjectInserter();
996              ObjectReader reader = jGitRepository.newObjectReader()) {
998             if (baseTreeId != null) {
999                 // the DirCacheBuilder is to used for doing update operations on the given DirCache object
1000                 final DirCacheBuilder builder = dirCache.builder();
1002                 // Add the tree object indicated by the prevRevision to the temporary DirCache object.
1003                 builder.addTree(EMPTY_BYTE, 0, reader, baseTreeId);
1004                 builder.finish();
1005             }
1007             // loop over the specified changes.
1008             for (Change<?> change : changes) {
1009                 final String changePath = change.path().substring(1); // Strip the leading '/'.
1010                 final DirCacheEntry oldEntry = dirCache.getEntry(changePath);
1011                 final byte[] oldContent = oldEntry != null ? reader.open(oldEntry.getObjectId()).getBytes()
1012                                                            : null;
1014                 switch (change.type()) {
1015                     case UPSERT_JSON: {
1016                         final JsonNode oldJsonNode = oldContent != null ? Jackson.readTree(oldContent) : null;
1017                         final JsonNode newJsonNode = firstNonNull((JsonNode) change.content(),
1018                                                                   JsonNodeFactory.instance.nullNode());
1020                         // Upsert only when the contents are really different.
1021                         if (!Objects.equals(newJsonNode, oldJsonNode)) {
1022                             applyPathEdit(dirCache, new InsertJson(changePath, inserter, newJsonNode));
1023                             numEdits++;
1024                         }
1025                         break;
1026                     }
1027                     case UPSERT_TEXT: {
1028                         final String sanitizedOldText;
1029                         if (oldContent != null) {
1030                             sanitizedOldText = sanitizeText(new String(oldContent, UTF_8));
1031                         } else {
1032                             sanitizedOldText = null;
1033                         }
1035                         final String sanitizedNewText = sanitizeText(change.contentAsText());
1037                         // Upsert only when the contents are really different.
1038                         if (!sanitizedNewText.equals(sanitizedOldText)) {
1039                             applyPathEdit(dirCache, new InsertText(changePath, inserter, sanitizedNewText));
1040                             numEdits++;
1041                         }
1042                         break;
1043                     }
1044                     case REMOVE:
1045                         if (oldEntry != null) {
1046                             applyPathEdit(dirCache, new DeletePath(changePath));
1047                             numEdits++;
1048                             break;
1049                         }
1051                         // The path might be a directory.
1052                         if (applyDirectoryEdits(dirCache, changePath, null, change)) {
1053                             numEdits++;
1054                         } else {
1055                             // Was not a directory either; conflict.
1056                             reportNonExistentEntry(change);
1057                             break;
1058                         }
1059                         break;
1060                     case RENAME: {
1061                         final String newPath =
1062                                 ((String) change.content()).substring(1); // Strip the leading '/'.
1064                         if (dirCache.getEntry(newPath) != null) {
1065                             throw new ChangeConflictException("a file exists at the target path: " + change);
1066                         }
1068                         if (oldEntry != null) {
1069                             if (changePath.equals(newPath)) {
1070                                 // Redundant rename request - old path and new path are same.
1071                                 break;
1072                             }
1074                             final DirCacheEditor editor = dirCache.editor();
1075                             editor.add(new DeletePath(changePath));
1076                             editor.add(new CopyOldEntry(newPath, oldEntry));
1077                             editor.finish();
1078                             numEdits++;
1079                             break;
1080                         }
1082                         // The path might be a directory.
1083                         if (applyDirectoryEdits(dirCache, changePath, newPath, change)) {
1084                             numEdits++;
1085                         } else {
1086                             // Was not a directory either; conflict.
1087                             reportNonExistentEntry(change);
1088                         }
1089                         break;
1090                     }
1091                     case APPLY_JSON_PATCH: {
1092                         final JsonNode oldJsonNode;
1093                         if (oldContent != null) {
1094                             oldJsonNode = Jackson.readTree(oldContent);
1095                         } else {
1096                             oldJsonNode = Jackson.nullNode;
1097                         }
1099                         final JsonNode newJsonNode;
1100                         try {
1101                             newJsonNode = JsonPatch.fromJson((JsonNode) change.content()).apply(oldJsonNode);
1102                         } catch (Exception e) {
1103                             throw new ChangeConflictException("failed to apply JSON patch: " + change, e);
1104                         }
1106                         // Apply only when the contents are really different.
1107                         if (!newJsonNode.equals(oldJsonNode)) {
1108                             applyPathEdit(dirCache, new InsertJson(changePath, inserter, newJsonNode));
1109                             numEdits++;
1110                         }
1111                         break;
1112                     }
1113                     case APPLY_TEXT_PATCH:
1114                         final Patch<String> patch = DiffUtils.parseUnifiedDiff(
1115                                 Util.stringToLines(sanitizeText((String) change.content())));
1117                         final String sanitizedOldText;
1118                         final List<String> sanitizedOldTextLines;
1119                         if (oldContent != null) {
1120                             sanitizedOldText = sanitizeText(new String(oldContent, UTF_8));
1121                             sanitizedOldTextLines = Util.stringToLines(sanitizedOldText);
1122                         } else {
1123                             sanitizedOldText = null;
1124                             sanitizedOldTextLines = Collections.emptyList();
1125                         }
1127                         final String newText;
1128                         try {
1129                             final List<String> newTextLines = DiffUtils.patch(sanitizedOldTextLines, patch);
1130                             if (newTextLines.isEmpty()) {
1131                                 newText = "";
1132                             } else {
1133                                 final StringJoiner joiner = new StringJoiner("\n", "", "\n");
1134                                 for (String line : newTextLines) {
1135                                     joiner.add(line);
1136                                 }
1137                                 newText = joiner.toString();
1138                             }
1139                         } catch (Exception e) {
1140                             throw new ChangeConflictException("failed to apply text patch: " + change, e);
1141                         }
1143                         // Apply only when the contents are really different.
1144                         if (!newText.equals(sanitizedOldText)) {
1145                             applyPathEdit(dirCache, new InsertText(changePath, inserter, newText));
1146                             numEdits++;
1147                         }
1148                         break;
1149                 }
1150             }
1151         } catch (CentralDogmaException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
1152             throw e;
1153         } catch (Exception e) {
1154             throw new StorageException("failed to apply changes on revision " + baseRevision, e);
1155         }
1156         return numEdits;
1157     }
1159     /**
1160      * Removes {@code \r} and appends {@code \n} on the last line if it does not end with {@code \n}.
1161      */
1162     private static String sanitizeText(String text) {
1163         if (text.indexOf('\r') >= 0) {
1164             text = CR.matcher(text).replaceAll("");
1165         }
1166         if (!text.isEmpty() && !text.endsWith("\n")) {
1167             text += "\n";
1168         }
1169         return text;
1170     }
1172     private static void reportNonExistentEntry(Change<?> change) {
1173         throw new ChangeConflictException("non-existent file/directory: " + change);
1174     }
1176     private static void applyPathEdit(DirCache dirCache, PathEdit edit) {
1177         final DirCacheEditor e = dirCache.editor();
1178         e.add(edit);
1179         e.finish();
1180     }
1182     /**
1183      * Applies recursive directory edits.
1184      *
1185      * @param oldDir the path to the directory to make a recursive change
1186      * @param newDir the path to the renamed directory, or {@code null} to remove the directory.
1187      *
1188      * @return {@code true} if any edits were made to {@code dirCache}, {@code false} otherwise
1189      */
1190     private static boolean applyDirectoryEdits(DirCache dirCache,
1191                                                String oldDir, @Nullable String newDir, Change<?> change) {
1193         if (!oldDir.endsWith("/")) {
1194             oldDir += '/';
1195         }
1196         if (newDir != null && !newDir.endsWith("/")) {
1197             newDir += '/';
1198         }
1200         final byte[] rawOldDir = Constants.encode(oldDir);
1201         final byte[] rawNewDir = newDir != null ? Constants.encode(newDir) : null;
1202         final int numEntries = dirCache.getEntryCount();
1203         DirCacheEditor editor = null;
1205         loop:
1206         for (int i = 0; i < numEntries; i++) {
1207             final DirCacheEntry e = dirCache.getEntry(i);
1208             final byte[] rawPath = e.getRawPath();
1210             // Ensure that there are no entries under the newDir; we have a conflict otherwise.
1211             if (rawNewDir != null) {
1212                 boolean conflict = true;
1213                 if (rawPath.length > rawNewDir.length) {
1214                     // Check if there is a file whose path starts with 'newDir'.
1215                     for (int j = 0; j < rawNewDir.length; j++) {
1216                         if (rawNewDir[j] != rawPath[j]) {
1217                             conflict = false;
1218                             break;
1219                         }
1220                     }
1221                 } else if (rawPath.length == rawNewDir.length - 1) {
1222                     // Check if there is a file whose path is exactly same with newDir without trailing '/'.
1223                     for (int j = 0; j < rawNewDir.length - 1; j++) {
1224                         if (rawNewDir[j] != rawPath[j]) {
1225                             conflict = false;
1226                             break;
1227                         }
1228                     }
1229                 } else {
1230                     conflict = false;
1231                 }
1233                 if (conflict) {
1234                     throw new ChangeConflictException("target directory exists already: " + change);
1235                 }
1236             }
1238             // Skip the entries that do not belong to the oldDir.
1239             if (rawPath.length <= rawOldDir.length) {
1240                 continue;
1241             }
1242             for (int j = 0; j < rawOldDir.length; j++) {
1243                 if (rawOldDir[j] != rawPath[j]) {
1244                     continue loop;
1245                 }
1246             }
1248             // Do not create an editor until we find an entry to rename/remove.
1249             // We can tell if there was any matching entries or not from the nullness of editor later.
1250             if (editor == null) {
1251                 editor = dirCache.editor();
1252                 editor.add(new DeleteTree(oldDir));
1253                 if (newDir == null) {
1254                     // Recursive removal
1255                     break;
1256                 }
1257             }
1259             assert newDir != null; // We should get here only when it's a recursive rename.
1261             final String oldPath = e.getPathString();
1262             final String newPath = newDir + oldPath.substring(oldDir.length());
1263             editor.add(new CopyOldEntry(newPath, e));
1264         }
1266         if (editor != null) {
1267             editor.finish();
1268             return true;
1269         } else {
1270             return false;
1271         }
1272     }
1274     private void doRefUpdate(RevWalk revWalk, String ref, ObjectId commitId) throws IOException {
1275         doRefUpdate(jGitRepository, revWalk, ref, commitId);
1276     }
1278     @VisibleForTesting
1279     static void doRefUpdate(org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository jGitRepository, RevWalk revWalk,
1280                             String ref, ObjectId commitId) throws IOException {
1282         if (ref.startsWith(Constants.R_TAGS)) {
1283             final Ref oldRef = jGitRepository.exactRef(ref);
1284             if (oldRef != null) {
1285                 throw new StorageException("tag ref exists already: " + ref);
1286             }
1287         }
1289         final RefUpdate refUpdate = jGitRepository.updateRef(ref);
1290         refUpdate.setNewObjectId(commitId);
1292         final Result res = refUpdate.update(revWalk);
1293         switch (res) {
1294             case NEW:
1295             case FAST_FORWARD:
1296                 // Expected
1297                 break;
1298             default:
1299                 throw new StorageException("unexpected refUpdate state: " + res);
1300         }
1301     }
1303     @Override
1304     public CompletableFuture<Revision> findLatestRevision(Revision lastKnownRevision, String pathPattern,
1305                                                           boolean errorOnEntryNotFound) {
1306         requireNonNull(lastKnownRevision, "lastKnownRevision");
1307         requireNonNull(pathPattern, "pathPattern");
1309         final ServiceRequestContext ctx = context();
1310         return CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
1311             failFastIfTimedOut(this, logger, ctx, "findLatestRevision", lastKnownRevision, pathPattern);
1312             return blockingFindLatestRevision(lastKnownRevision, pathPattern, errorOnEntryNotFound);
1313         }, repositoryWorker);
1314     }
1316     @Nullable
1317     private Revision blockingFindLatestRevision(Revision lastKnownRevision, String pathPattern,
1318                                                 boolean errorOnEntryNotFound) {
1319         final RevisionRange range = normalizeNow(lastKnownRevision, Revision.HEAD);
1320         if (range.from().equals(range.to())) {
1321             // Empty range.
1322             if (!errorOnEntryNotFound) {
1323                 return null;
1324             }
1325             // We have to check if we have the entry.
1326             final Map<String, Entry<?>> entries =
1327                     blockingFind(range.to(), pathPattern, FindOptions.FIND_ONE_WITHOUT_CONTENT);
1328             if (!entries.isEmpty()) {
1329                 // We have the entry so just return null because there's no change.
1330                 return null;
1331             }
1332             throw new EntryNotFoundException(lastKnownRevision, pathPattern);
1333         }
1335         if (range.from().major() == 1) {
1336             // Fast path: no need to compare because we are sure there is nothing at revision 1.
1337             final Map<String, Entry<?>> entries =
1338                     blockingFind(range.to(), pathPattern, FindOptions.FIND_ONE_WITHOUT_CONTENT);
1339             if (entries.isEmpty()) {
1340                 if (!errorOnEntryNotFound) {
1341                     return null;
1342                 }
1343                 throw new EntryNotFoundException(lastKnownRevision, pathPattern);
1344             } else {
1345                 return range.to();
1346             }
1347         }
1349         // Slow path: compare the two trees.
1350         final PathPatternFilter filter = PathPatternFilter.of(pathPattern);
1351         // Convert the revisions to Git trees.
1352         final List<DiffEntry> diffEntries;
1353         readLock();
1354         try (RevWalk revWalk = newRevWalk()) {
1355             final RevTree treeA = toTree(revWalk, range.from());
1356             final RevTree treeB = toTree(revWalk, range.to());
1357             diffEntries = blockingCompareTrees(treeA, treeB);
1358         } finally {
1359             readUnlock();
1360         }
1362         // Return the latest revision if the changes between the two trees contain the file.
1363         for (DiffEntry e : diffEntries) {
1364             final String path;
1365             switch (e.getChangeType()) {
1366                 case ADD:
1367                     path = e.getNewPath();
1368                     break;
1369                 case MODIFY:
1370                 case DELETE:
1371                     path = e.getOldPath();
1372                     break;
1373                 default:
1374                     throw new Error();
1375             }
1377             if (filter.matches(path)) {
1378                 return range.to();
1379             }
1380         }
1382         if (!errorOnEntryNotFound) {
1383             return null;
1384         }
1385         if (!blockingFind(range.to(), pathPattern, FindOptions.FIND_ONE_WITHOUT_CONTENT).isEmpty()) {
1386             // We have to make sure that the entry does not exist because the size of diffEntries can be 0
1387             // when the contents of range.from() and range.to() are identical. (e.g. add, remove and add again)
1388             return null;
1389         }
1390         throw new EntryNotFoundException(lastKnownRevision, pathPattern);
1391     }
1393     /**
1394      * Compares the two Git trees (with caching).
1395      */
1396     private List<DiffEntry> blockingCompareTrees(RevTree treeA, RevTree treeB) {
1397         if (cache == null) {
1398             return blockingCompareTreesUncached(treeA, treeB, TreeFilter.ALL);
1399         }
1401         final CacheableCompareTreesCall key = new CacheableCompareTreesCall(this, treeA, treeB);
1402         CompletableFuture<List<DiffEntry>> existingFuture = cache.getIfPresent(key);
1403         if (existingFuture != null) {
1404             final List<DiffEntry> existingDiffEntries = existingFuture.getNow(null);
1405             if (existingDiffEntries != null) {
1406                 // Cached already.
1407                 return existingDiffEntries;
1408             }
1409         }
1411         // Not cached yet. Acquire a lock so that we do not compare the same tree pairs simultaneously.
1412         final List<DiffEntry> newDiffEntries;
1413         final Lock lock = key.coarseGrainedLock();
1414         lock.lock();
1415         try {
1416             existingFuture = cache.getIfPresent(key);
1417             if (existingFuture != null) {
1418                 final List<DiffEntry> existingDiffEntries = existingFuture.getNow(null);
1419                 if (existingDiffEntries != null) {
1420                     // Other thread already put the entries to the cache before we acquire the lock.
1421                     return existingDiffEntries;
1422                 }
1423             }
1425             newDiffEntries = blockingCompareTreesUncached(treeA, treeB, TreeFilter.ALL);
1426             cache.put(key, newDiffEntries);
1427         } finally {
1428             lock.unlock();
1429         }
1431         logger.debug("Cache miss: {}", key);
1432         return newDiffEntries;
1433     }
1435     private List<DiffEntry> blockingCompareTreesUncached(@Nullable RevTree treeA,
1436                                                          @Nullable RevTree treeB,
1437                                                          TreeFilter filter) {
1438         readLock();
1439         try (DiffFormatter diffFormatter = new DiffFormatter(null)) {
1440             diffFormatter.setRepository(jGitRepository);
1441             diffFormatter.setPathFilter(filter);
1442             return ImmutableList.copyOf(diffFormatter.scan(treeA, treeB));
1443         } catch (IOException e) {
1444             throw new StorageException("failed to compare two trees: " + treeA + " vs. " + treeB, e);
1445         } finally {
1446             readUnlock();
1447         }
1448     }
1450     @Override
1451     public CompletableFuture<Revision> watch(Revision lastKnownRevision, String pathPattern,
1452                                              boolean errorOnEntryNotFound) {
1453         requireNonNull(lastKnownRevision, "lastKnownRevision");
1454         requireNonNull(pathPattern, "pathPattern");
1456         final ServiceRequestContext ctx = context();
1457         final Revision normLastKnownRevision = normalizeNow(lastKnownRevision);
1458         final CompletableFuture<Revision> future = new CompletableFuture<>();
1459         CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> {
1460             failFastIfTimedOut(this, logger, ctx, "watch", lastKnownRevision, pathPattern);
1461             readLock();
1462             try {
1463                 // If lastKnownRevision is outdated already and the recent changes match,
1464                 // there's no need to watch.
1465                 final Revision latestRevision = blockingFindLatestRevision(normLastKnownRevision, pathPattern,
1466                                                                            errorOnEntryNotFound);
1467                 if (latestRevision != null) {
1468                     future.complete(latestRevision);
1469                 } else {
1470                     commitWatchers.add(normLastKnownRevision, pathPattern, future);
1471                 }
1472             } finally {
1473                 readUnlock();
1474             }
1475         }, repositoryWorker).exceptionally(cause -> {
1476             future.completeExceptionally(cause);
1477             return null;
1478         });
1480         return future;
1481     }
1483     private void notifyWatchers(Revision newRevision, List<DiffEntry> diffEntries) {
1484         for (DiffEntry entry : diffEntries) {
1485             switch (entry.getChangeType()) {
1486                 case ADD:
1487                     commitWatchers.notify(newRevision, entry.getNewPath());
1488                     break;
1489                 case MODIFY:
1490                 case DELETE:
1491                     commitWatchers.notify(newRevision, entry.getOldPath());
1492                     break;
1493                 default:
1494                     throw new Error();
1495             }
1496         }
1497     }
1499     private Revision cachedHeadRevision() {
1500         return headRevision;
1501     }
1503     /**
1504      * Returns the current revision.
1505      */
1506     private Revision uncachedHeadRevision() {
1507         try (RevWalk revWalk = newRevWalk()) {
1508             final ObjectId headRevisionId = jGitRepository.resolve(R_HEADS_MASTER);
1509             if (headRevisionId != null) {
1510                 final RevCommit revCommit = revWalk.parseCommit(headRevisionId);
1511                 return CommitUtil.extractRevision(revCommit.getFullMessage());
1512             }
1513         } catch (CentralDogmaException e) {
1514             throw e;
1515         } catch (Exception e) {
1516             throw new StorageException("failed to get the current revision", e);
1517         }
1519         throw new StorageException("failed to determine the HEAD: " + parent.name() + '/' + name);
1520     }
1522     private RevTree toTree(RevWalk revWalk, Revision revision) {
1523         final ObjectId commitId = commitIdDatabase.get(revision);
1524         try {
1525             return revWalk.parseCommit(commitId).getTree();
1526         } catch (IOException e) {
1527             throw new StorageException("failed to parse a commit: " + commitId, e);
1528         }
1529     }
1531     private RevWalk newRevWalk() {
1532         final RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(jGitRepository);
1533         configureRevWalk(revWalk);
1534         return revWalk;
1535     }
1537     private static RevWalk newRevWalk(ObjectReader reader) {
1538         final RevWalk revWalk = new RevWalk(reader);
1539         configureRevWalk(revWalk);
1540         return revWalk;
1541     }
1543     private static void configureRevWalk(RevWalk revWalk) {
1544         // Disable rewriteParents because otherwise `RevWalk` will load every commit into memory.
1545         revWalk.setRewriteParents(false);
1546     }
1548     private void readLock() {
1549         rwLock.readLock().lock();
1550         if (closePending.get() != null) {
1551             rwLock.readLock().unlock();
1552             throw closePending.get().get();
1553         }
1554     }
1556     private void readUnlock() {
1557         rwLock.readLock().unlock();
1558     }
1560     private void writeLock() {
1561         rwLock.writeLock().lock();
1562         if (closePending.get() != null) {
1563             writeUnLock();
1564             throw closePending.get().get();
1565         }
1566     }
1568     private void writeUnLock() {
1569         rwLock.writeLock().unlock();
1570     }
1572     /**
1573      * Clones this repository into a new one.
1574      */
1575     public void cloneTo(File newRepoDir) {
1576         cloneTo(newRepoDir, (current, total) -> { /* no-op */ });
1577     }
1579     /**
1580      * Clones this repository into a new one.
1581      */
1582     public void cloneTo(File newRepoDir, BiConsumer<Integer, Integer> progressListener) {
1583         requireNonNull(newRepoDir, "newRepoDir");
1584         requireNonNull(progressListener, "progressListener");
1586         final Revision endRevision = normalizeNow(Revision.HEAD);
1587         final GitRepository newRepo = new GitRepository(parent, newRepoDir, repositoryWorker,
1588                                                         creationTimeMillis(), author(), cache);
1590         progressListener.accept(1, endRevision.major());
1591         boolean success = false;
1592         try {
1593             // Replay all commits.
1594             Revision previousNonEmptyRevision = null;
1595             for (int i = 2; i <= endRevision.major();) {
1596                 // Fetch up to 16 commits at once.
1597                 final int batch = 16;
1598                 final List<Commit> commits = blockingHistory(
1599                         new Revision(i), new Revision(Math.min(endRevision.major(), i + batch - 1)),
1600                         Repository.ALL_PATH, batch);
1601                 checkState(!commits.isEmpty(), "empty commits");
1603                 if (previousNonEmptyRevision == null) {
1604                     previousNonEmptyRevision = commits.get(0).revision().backward(1);
1605                 }
1606                 for (Commit c : commits) {
1607                     final Revision revision = c.revision();
1608                     checkState(revision.major() == i,
1609                                "mismatching revision: %s (expected: %s)", revision.major(), i);
1611                     final Revision baseRevision = revision.backward(1);
1612                     final Collection<Change<?>> changes =
1613                             diff(previousNonEmptyRevision, revision, Repository.ALL_PATH).join().values();
1615                     try {
1616                         newRepo.blockingCommit(
1617                                 baseRevision, c.when(), c.author(), c.summary(), c.detail(), c.markup(),
1618                                 changes, /* allowEmptyCommit */ false, false);
1619                         previousNonEmptyRevision = revision;
1620                     } catch (RedundantChangeException e) {
1621                         // NB: We allow an empty commit here because an old version of Central Dogma had a bug
1622                         //     which allowed the creation of an empty commit.
1623                         newRepo.blockingCommit(
1624                                 baseRevision, c.when(), c.author(), c.summary(), c.detail(), c.markup(),
1625                                 changes, /* allowEmptyCommit */ true, false);
1626                     }
1628                     progressListener.accept(i, endRevision.major());
1629                     i++;
1630                 }
1631             }
1633             success = true;
1634         } finally {
1635             newRepo.internalClose();
1636             if (!success) {
1637                 deleteCruft(newRepoDir);
1638             }
1639         }
1640     }
1642     private static void deleteCruft(File repoDir) {
1643         try {
1644             Util.deleteFileTree(repoDir);
1645         } catch (IOException e) {
1646             logger.error("Failed to delete a half-created repository at: {}", repoDir, e);
1647         }
1648     }
1650     @Override
1651     public String toString() {
1652         return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
1653                           .add("dir", jGitRepository.getDirectory())
1654                           .toString();
1655     }
1657     private static final class RevisionAndEntries {
1658         final Revision revision;
1659         final List<DiffEntry> diffEntries;
1661         RevisionAndEntries(Revision revision, List<DiffEntry> diffEntries) {
1662             this.revision = revision;
1663             this.diffEntries = diffEntries;
1664         }
1665     }
1667     // PathEdit implementations which is used when applying changes.
1669     private static final class InsertText extends PathEdit {
1670         private final ObjectInserter inserter;
1671         private final String text;
1673         InsertText(String entryPath, ObjectInserter inserter, String text) {
1674             super(entryPath);
1675             this.inserter = inserter;
1676             this.text = text;
1677         }
1679         @Override
1680         public void apply(DirCacheEntry ent) {
1681             try {
1682                 ent.setObjectId(inserter.insert(Constants.OBJ_BLOB, text.getBytes(UTF_8)));
1683                 ent.setFileMode(FileMode.REGULAR_FILE);
1684             } catch (IOException e) {
1685                 throw new StorageException("failed to create a new text blob", e);
1686             }
1687         }
1688     }
1690     private static final class InsertJson extends PathEdit {
1691         private final ObjectInserter inserter;
1692         private final JsonNode jsonNode;
1694         InsertJson(String entryPath, ObjectInserter inserter, JsonNode jsonNode) {
1695             super(entryPath);
1696             this.inserter = inserter;
1697             this.jsonNode = jsonNode;
1698         }
1700         @Override
1701         public void apply(DirCacheEntry ent) {
1702             try {
1703                 ent.setObjectId(inserter.insert(Constants.OBJ_BLOB, Jackson.writeValueAsBytes(jsonNode)));
1704                 ent.setFileMode(FileMode.REGULAR_FILE);
1705             } catch (IOException e) {
1706                 throw new StorageException("failed to create a new JSON blob", e);
1707             }
1708         }
1709     }
1711     private static final class CopyOldEntry extends PathEdit {
1712         private final DirCacheEntry oldEntry;
1714         CopyOldEntry(String entryPath, DirCacheEntry oldEntry) {
1715             super(entryPath);
1716             this.oldEntry = oldEntry;
1717         }
1719         @Override
1720         public void apply(DirCacheEntry ent) {
1721             ent.setFileMode(oldEntry.getFileMode());
1722             ent.setObjectId(oldEntry.getObjectId());
1723         }
1724     }
1725 }