Command-line client

Central Dogma provides a native command-line client dogma, which is located at the bin directory of the distribution. You may find it useful to add the bin directory to your PATH environment variable so the client is available regardless of your current working directory.


In this tutorial, we assume your Central Dogma server is running at localhost:36462. Unless specified, dogma will connect to localhost:36462 by default. Use the --connect option to connect to other Central Dogma server. e.g. --connect

Path syntax

dogma uses a Unix-like path to refer to a project, a repository, a directory or a file. The first and second path component signify a project name and a repository name respectively. For example:

  • foo - Project foo

  • foo/bar - Repository bar in project foo

  • foo/bar/alice - Directory /alice in repository bar in project foo

  • foo/bar/alice/bob.json - File bob.json under the directory /alice

Creating projects and repositories

Use the new command to create a project:

$ dogma new projFoo
Created: /projFoo
$ dogma new projBar
Created: /projBar

new command is also used for creating a repository:

$ dogma new projFoo/repoA
Created: /projFoo/repoA

Listing entries

Use the ls command to list projects, repositories or files.

To list projects, specify no arguments:

$ dogma ls
    "name": "projFoo",
    "creator": {
      "name": "System",
      "email": "system@localhost.localdomain"
    "url": "/api/v1/projects/projFoo",
    "createdAt": "2018-03-27T12:36:00Z"
    "name": "projBar",
    "creator": {
      "name": "System",
      "email": "system@localhost.localdomain"
    "url": "/api/v1/projects/projBar",
    "createdAt": "2018-03-26T02:27:26Z"

To list repositories, specify a project name:

$ dogma ls projFoo
    "name": "repoA",
    "creator": {
      "name": "System",
      "email": "system@localhost.localdomain"
    "headRevision": 1,
    "url": "/api/v1/projects/projFoo/repos/repoA",
    "createdAt": "2018-03-27T12:36:00Z"

To list files or directories in a repository, specify a project name, a repository name and more. But before that, let’s add a sample file to use under samples directory:

$ echo '{"a":"b"}' > a.json
$ dogma put projFoo/repoA/samples/a.json a.json -m "Add a.json"
Put: /projFoo/repoA/samples/a.json

We will learn more about adding and editing files in a repository later in the section Modifying a repository.

Then, list the directory:

$ dogma ls projFoo/repoA/samples
    "path": "/samples/a.json",
    "type": "JSON",
    "url": "/api/v1/projects/projFoo/repos/repoA/samples/a.json"

Retrieving a file

Use the cat command to retrieve the content of a file:

$ dogma cat projFoo/repoA/samples/a.json
  "a": "b"

You can also query a JSON file using JSON path with a flag --jsonpath or simply -j:

$ dogma cat --jsonpath '$.a' projFoo/repoA/samples/a.json

You can use multiple JSON paths as well:

$ dogma cat -j '$[?(@.a != "notMyValue")]' -j '$[0].a' projFoo/repoA/samples/a.json

Alternatively, you can use the get command to download the file:

$ dogma get projFoo/repoA/samples/a.json
Downloaded: bar.json

Modifying a repository

You can add, edit or remove an individual file in a repository using put, edit and rm command.

First, let’s create a JSON file and add it:

$ echo '[1, 2, 3]' > three.json
$ dogma put projFoo/repoA/numbers/3.json three.json
Put: /projFoo/repoA/numbers/3.json

The above command uploads three.json as 3.json under /projFoo/repoA/numbers/.

If you don’t specify the file name, the file name will be attached automatically. For example, if you do dogma put projFoo/repoA/numbers/ three.json, then /projFoo/repoA/numbers/three.json will be added.


A trailing ‘/’ has important meaning in a put command. A path ends with a ‘/’ refers to a directory. On the other hand, a path that does not end with a ‘/’ refers to a file. For example, dogma put /projFoo/repoA/a.txt/ b.txt will upload /projFoo/repoA/a.txt/b.txt, because of the trailing ‘/’ after a.txt.

And then, check it out:

$ dogma cat projFoo/repoA/numbers/3.json


When you make a change, you’ll be prompted to enter a commit message via a text editor such as vim. If you want to simply add a commit message, use the --message option.

With the edit command, you can edit a file using a text editor:

$ dogma edit projFoo/repoA/numbers/3.json
... Text editor shows up ...

Use the rm command to remove a file:

$ dogma rm projFoo/repoA/samples/foo.txt
Removed: /projFoo/repoA/samples/foo.txt

Specifying a revision

Most commands have an option called --revision which makes the commands retrieve a file at a specific revision. If not specified, the client assumes -1 which means the latest revision in the repository:

$ dogma cat --revision -1 projFoo/repoA/numbers/3.json
... Success ...
$ dogma cat --revision 1 projFoo/repoA/numbers/3.json
... Failure, because 3.json does not exist at revision 1 ...

Watching a file

You can be noticed when a file on the Central Dogma server is changed using the watch command:

$ dogma watch --revision 8 projFoo/repoA/numbers/3.json
Watcher noticed updated file: projFoo/repoA/numbers/3.json, rev=9
Content: ...

The revision option represents that you want to watch the change of the file after the revision. If you want to keep watching it, use --streaming option:

$ dogma watch --revision 8 --streaming projFoo/repoA/numbers/3.json
Watcher noticed updated file: projFoo/repoA/numbers/3.json, rev=9
Content: ...
Watcher noticed updated file: projFoo/repoA/numbers/3.json, rev=10
Content: ...
Watcher noticed updated file: projFoo/repoA/numbers/3.json, rev=11
Content: ...

<Press CTRL+C>
Received an interrupt, stopping watcher...

Use the --help option

The dogma client provides more commands and features than what’s demonstrated in this tutorial. --help option will show the full usage of the client:

$ dogma --help
   Central Dogma - Central Dogma client

   dogma command [arguments]

     ls         Lists the projects, repositories or files
     new        Creates a project or repository
     put        Puts a file to the repository
     edit       Edits a file in the path
     get        Downloads a file in the path
     cat        Prints a file in the path
     watch      Watches a file in the path
     rm         Removes a file in the path
     diff       Gets diff of given path
     log        Shows commit logs of the path
     normalize  Normalizes a revision into an absolute revision
     help, h    Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --connect value, -c value   Specifies host or IP address with port to connect to:[hostname:port] or [http://hostname:port]
   --token value, -t value     Specifies an authorization token to access resources on the server
   --help, -h                  Shows help
   --version, -v              print the version

Appending the --help option after a command will print the detailed usage for the command:

$ dogma ls --help
   Lists the projects, repositories or files

   dogma ls [command options] [<project_name>[/<repository_name>[/<path>]]]

   --revision value, -r value  Specifies the revision to operate