Notification Plugins

Promgen uses notifier plugins to route notifications to different services such as Email or LINE Notify. Sender plugins are registered using setuptools entry_points.

    'promgen.notification': [
        'sender_name = module.path.notification:NotificationExample',

Plugins should inherit from SenderBase, and at a minimum implement a _send() method

from promgen.celery import app as celery
from promgen.notification import NotificationBase

class NotificationExample(NotificationBase):
    def _send(task, target, alert, data):
        ## Code specific to sender
        return True

Notes about Celery

Because of the way Celery works, when you wrap a method call with `@celery.task`, you lose access to the self instance of the Sender class. If you use `@celery.task(bind=True)` then you can get an instance of the task. If you need to have an instance of the class, you can use this to get an instance of the class

from promgen.celery import app as celery
from promgen.notification import NotificationBase

class SenderCeleryExample(NotificationBase):
    def _send(task, target, alert, data):
        self = task.__klass__()
        ## Code specific to sender
        return True
# Set an instance we can retrieve from within our _send method
SenderCeleryExample._send.__klass__ = SenderCeleryExample