Glossary ======== .. graphviz:: digraph { rankdir=RL; { Rule Notifier Project} -> Service; { Project Prometheus} -> Shard; { Rule Notifier Exporter URL Farm} -> Project; Host -> Farm; { rank=same Notifier Rule }; } Shard ----- Shards are a collection of Prometheus servers monitoring the same targets. Service ------- A service in Promgen is a group of related Projects and Rules. Service is typically the top-level object in Promgen. Projects -------- Projects are one of the main groupings for Promgen. This represents a typical monitoring target and brings together a collection of servers (Farm) with Exporters and URL endpoints. They are assigned to a Shard. Farm ---- Farm is a group of servers. Farms may be updated using :doc:`discovery plugins `. Notifiers --------- :doc:`Notifiers ` are used for routing messages to a specific destination such as Email or LINE Notify. They can be assigned to either a Project or a Service, watching for alerts that match that label. Rule ---- Rules represent the rules that Prometheus itself uses for alerting. They can be assigned to a Project, or assigned to a parent Service that covers multiple Projects. Exporter -------- These correspond to `Prometheus exporters`_ and other monitoring integrations. URL --- These are URLs that are monitored via `blackbox_exporter`_ .. _Prometheus exporters: .. _blackbox_exporter: